*Our massage place is in the Spa World.

You need to pay an entrance fee if you would like to get massage at our place. Click here

Address |

3-4-24 Ebisuhigashi, Naniwa-Ku Spaworld Onsen from around the World 4F, 6F, Osaka

Zip code:556-0002 

We would recommend using public transportation to get Spa World.

By Train/Subway |

Osaka Metro line Midosuji/ Sakaisuji: [Dobutsuen-mae ]Exit 5.

Osaka Loop Line(JR):         [Shin-imamiya]East Exit.

Nankai Electric Railway:        [Shin-imamiya]10 min.

Hankai Tramway:           [Shin-imamiya-mae].

Train Kintetsu:            [Osaka-Abenobashi]15 min.

■LINE Official Account ➡ https://lin.ee/tpPAyuz

■WhatsApp ➡ https://wa.me/818043587574?

■TEL: 080-4358-7574 / +818043587574

■Mail : info.cocoroneya@gmail.com